Aluma CEO published in International Association of Venue Managers’ Venue Professional Magazine

Aluma CEO published in International Association of Venue Managers’ Venue Professional Magazine

Aluma Founder & CEO, Akmal Ali, had the great pleasure being published in the recent International Association of Venue Managers’ (IAVM) Venue Professional Magazine. In sports, we hear a lot about what it takes to create a winning team on the field. But, as Security Professionals, and Venue Operators writ large, there is not enough conversation about what the winning formula is for creating and maintaining a winning (or effective) Venue Security Program. The article titled, “Four Core Tenets of Effective Venue Security”, explains how focusing on four key elements to venue security can not only ensure a Security Professional operates a successful venue security program but collect the information it needs to demonstrate it.

Representing public assembly venues from around the globe, IAVM’s 6,800+ active members include managers and senior executives from auditoriums, arenas, convention centers, exhibit halls, stadiums, performing arts centers, university complexes, amphitheaters and fairgrounds. IAVM’s mission is to educate, advocate for, and inspire public assembly venue professionals worldwide.

IAVM's Venue Professional


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