Aluma CEO joins Gate 15’s Podcast Series to discuss risk management and security landscape
Aluma CEO sits down for podcast interview with Andy Jabbour, Founder and Managing Director of Gate 15
Akmal Ali had the opportunity to catch up with industry colleague and friend, Andy Jabbour, to discuss his approach to risk management and security and why the crust can make or break a pizza! The two friends cover a range of topics from security to movie references. And, Four Core Tenets to an Effective Security Program.
The Gate 15 Interview is a monthly interview between Gate 15’s founder and Managing Director, Andy Jabbour and guests from throughout the homeland security risk management community addressing a wide range of all-hazards topics and issues. Week-to-week, you can hear and learn more about our all-hazards threats, risks, mitigation and other issues impacting homeland security risk management from our team as well as our regular and special guests.
Gate 15 Podcast Series